
These beautiful PEGASUS perfumes are biodynamic organic and a beneficial effect on your energy and aura itself.

They are created using only natural and organic essential oils extracted from plants and flowers that evoke a beautiful aroma and are designed to enlighten the wearer’s mood.

The alcohol which is used as the fragrance carrier is certified Organic by the Soil Association and fermented from pure organic grain.


No. 11

The clear pink combination is for lovers of light. It is a bottle which reminds us of the subtleties of life. The nuances of beauty and aesthetics are brought into awareness.★Read more


Heaven on Earth, may be related to a forgotten promise to always be working toward the solution. Really an opportunity to bring us the reminder that it’s ok to have our head in heaven providing we have our feet on the ground. A wonderful combination from a colour perspective to find peace in a conscious way and yet have the energy to do what needs to be done.★Read more


In Aura-Soma this colour combination relates specifically to ancient Egypt and the ancient wisdom. A sense of deep joy not necessarily over anything profound or meaningful but rather in simplicity. Where we have been worried or anxious then this combination has created some relief, returning joy to the life, when joy was missing.★Read more


The combination of bottle 44 in the Aura-Soma system is very close to my heart as it was the first combination I was to bring into being. When it was created, the founder of Aura-Soma called it the Guardian angel.★Read more


The pale violet over the pale violet is called St Germain. It is a very beautiful combination, and we think of the related Equilibrium bottle 56 being of help to those who find it difficult to be seen even if they have amazing qualities or gifts. To help them to come out and be themselves.★Read more

No. 58

The combination in Aura-Soma of the pale blue over the pale pink is called Orion and Angelica. This colour combination is particularly useful for travellers. What we say is ‘to help us arrive at our destination with all our bodies intact at the same time.★Read more


This combination of the magenta over the turquoise is named ‘go with the flow’ in the Aura-Soma system. The turquoise encourages communication from our hearts through the feeling side of our being. Whilst within the depth we attempt to put the love and care into the little things.★Read more

No. 80

An almost regal combination which inspires the deeper levels of love and compassion. To really encourage us to find the true sweetness in life again. To breathe in a new life, a new love. It seems as though we can really bring new hope into our life, letting go the difficulties of the past.★Read more


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No. 11

ジャッジせずありのままを愛せるように。少し自分にも人にも厳しくしていまいがちな時に、優しく和らげてくれます。可憐な香りで、私が一番最初に使用した香水です。★Read more

No. 30

地に足をつけて、いまするべきことを穏やかな形で成し遂げていくことを助けてくれます。平和的なコミュニケーションができるようになります。この香りは聡明な感じがします。★Read more

No. 39

自己価値を高めて、自分の存在をアピールすることを助けてくれます。パターンとなってしまっているものを手放し、変化していていけるようになります。自分の内側で感じることを信頼することを助けてくれます。神秘的な香りです。★Read more

No. 44

自分の在り方全体の発展を手助けすて、大きなものに守られている感覚がやってきます。高貴な香りがします。★Read more

No. 56

人前にでることが苦手だったり、あまり目立ちたくない、といった感情を解き放してくれます。そして、よりポジティブに変化して、そのままの自分をより表現することを助けてくれます。★Read more

No. 58

正しいときに、正しい場所にいる感覚を引き寄せてくれます。ソウルメイトを引き寄せたい方にもぜひ。また一つのことが終わり、新たなことが始まる時や、旅のサポートにも最適です。とても爽やかな香りで人気があります。★Read more

No. 75  

そのときの流れに軽やかにのって人生を進んでく事を助けてくれます。周りへの愛や思いやりと共に、遊び心をもって生活を楽しむ事ができるように。ハートから素直にコミュニケーションすることを助けてくれます。フローラルな香りが好きな方に人気があります。★Read more 

No. 80 

とても華やかな香りです。愛とエネルギーに満ちあふれ、仕事でも成功していくことをサポートします。アートが好きな方にもぜひ。深いレベルでの愛と思いやりを促してくれます。★Read more


Parfum 50ml (1.76fl oz) 180.00 SGD/ per bottle